Monday, August 3, 2015

How To Reach A Goal

The best way to reach your goal or reach your set outcome is to
look backwards from your goal.  Looking forward, your outcome
could go in a few different directions, but it you look at the situation
backwards, you will know where you want to go and can develop the
proper steps to get you there.

If you would like to earn a million dollars, think that you already have
if and what steps you took to earn it.  Then you use those steps in increments
to see if those steps will earn you $10,000 in a month and evaluate if what you
did was scalable or if there was a flaw somewhere along the way. Some of the most
successful people such as Bill Gate and Steve Jobs use this method.

 Test this method for a few months so you know if you need to tweak or change
one or more of your techniques to make your goal reachable.  One thing to note is
that the shorter time span or deadline you give yourself to reach a goal, the more likely
it is that it will get done.  If you give yourself a week to write a paper, most people will 
procrastinate til the last day to do it but if you say it is due in 24 hours, people will tend
to just do it as more of a priority. 

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  ― Lao Tzu

To Your Success,

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Secret To Getting To The Next Level

No... There really isn't a secret to getting to the next level.

All you have to do is do the things that are really simple to do

but really easy not to do too.

The major thing holding back your success is not doing the simple

daily tasks that over time compound into change.  If you go and work

out at the gym everyday, your chances of gaining any fat are slim to

none. But if you miss a day or twice and be inconsistent, your fat can

creep right back up to you.

Think of it like lily pads in a pond, the first few days you might not even

realize them, but as time goes on they start to take over your pond.  A few

months later your pond will be covered in lily pads.  By growing and multiplying

a little each day, the lily pads get more populated.  The same will have to the

goals and outcomes to want to reach.

So I urge you to go and do the daily tasks that you think won't matter if you

skip a day or two because it can make the biggest difference in the world.  You

climb the tallest mountain in the world with one step at a time. You have to fight

your excuses and just do it.  Remember, it's just doing the simple things that are easy

not to do that hold you back.

To your success

Michael Faller

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Science Of Persuasion

Give! Give! Give!
A study was conducted in a restaurant where the waitress waited on tables, handed out the bills and got ok tips...
This science of persuasion tip can help in all areas of life!
The same waitress then handed out a mint for each person and got a 3% tip increase...
Then it got even better...

Then the waitress handed out 2 mints for each person and got a 14% tip increase...
But then it gets even better...
She hands out 1 mint to everyone at the table, starts to walk away and says "Just for you guys, I'm going to give you all an extra mint." and her tip was 23% more. Just by adding one little compliment.
This science of persuasion concepts applies in marketing as well. Even if you are a newbie there is always someone newer then you. Don't worry about leads just give out as much information and knowledge as possible...
Learn the science of persuasion...
Its like when you go to a mechanic to get an oil change and when you pick it up, he says, "Your fluids were a little low so I topped them off for you." You are building trust and rapport. That goes a long way in this world.

To Your Success

Michael Faller

How To Create A Winning Culture

Friday, January 16, 2015

One Man Didn't Do IRA And Made More Money

Could you imagine having more money right now
than you actually do.  That's right!  IRA's are
terrible for your pocket.  If you don't do any
IRA's you could easily double your money.  Let
me explain...

IRAs are Income Reducing Activities.  Anything
that takes away from your earning money.  So
many people are brainwashed into watching TV,
playing video games, etc when they are taking
money out of their wallets and hurting themselves.

Click here to learn to make $100 a day on Ebay

If someone gave you a choice, (a choice that you
have regardless) to either sit down and watch
Full House or make money. I'm pretty sure in
the back of your mind you much rather make
money than not!  Life is full of choices and
how you spend your time can make a huge
financial and mental impact.

One thing I'm grateful for is growing up we didn't
have a TV.  To this day, I still do not have a TV.
My father always said why don't you read something
educational.  I always liked going to my friends to
watch TV when I was young but now I see why he
said that.  I am always reading personal development
and business books to invest in my mind.  Success is
80%  mental!  The older I get, the more I realize I'm
just like my dad.

Have a great day!

Michael Faller

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How To Create A Winning Culture

It's important to have a job where everyone feels
welcome and enjoy going there everyday.  That's
why is it necessary to have an environment that
makes work feel embracing!

You need to create a vision for the future.  What
purpose is your company their for. How are you
going to make the world a better place.  Set the
direction that you want the team to follow. For
example Avaya's vision is "Provide the world's
best communications solutions that enable
businesses to excel" If you worked at Avaya you
would know what the company's overall plan is and
everyone can work together to make sure it's best

Click here to learn how to make money selling 
other people's products!

You also need a set of guidelines that will help
you achieve your purpose. What plan of actions
are expected, how are teammates suppose to act,
how do you serve your customers, what ethics do
you have etc. As well you need to make sure you
apply techniques to the guidelines to make them
run smooth.

One of the most important factors in developing
a rock solid culture is the people.  When you
are interviewing, make sure they understand the
values and integrity of the company.  Some
companies have as many as 10, possibly more
interview someone to make sure they will fit in
right.  Most people would actually take a pay
cut to fit in the right company. What qualification
standards do you have?

Another important factor is having a good story.
How did the company start and what influential
changes happened along the journey.  How do you
create a relationship with your clients.  What
makes working with you different than anyone else?
What reason was the company started for or where
was it started. What is the reasoning behind the
vision? What made the founder create the company
and what dreams did they have?  People like to
make it feel personal!

Lastly, people are social creatures...
When you put people in offices, they tend to
get less team oriented. Having an open environment
is healthy to an organization.  Constant bumping
into others creates a more lively environment.
New ideas can manifest, more motivation, more teamwork.
As well you need an aesthetically pleasing workplace.
Im sure people would like a new building on the
outskirts of the city then an older run down building
where the heat is undependable.  Most people are
happier and more productive in a warm and cozy
environment where they feel safe and in place.

If you enjoyed this, please share.

To your success!

Michael Faller

Monday, January 12, 2015

Pirate's Treasure and Outsourcing For Your Business

The more money you have...
The more you value your time.

As you start to generate revenue for your business
There are things you do regularly that you can pay
others to do for you. The whole idea is to make your
life simpler by concentrating on the things you do best.

Click here to find out how you can make extra money on Ebay!

There are things that may eat up a good portion of your
day that you can pay people to do rather cheaply...
You should be able to do the things that you do best
and let others handle the rest. The goal is to make
your life the most efficient as possible.

There are a few websites out there that I use for
for my business. If I need articles or emails written
I use 123employee.comIf I need an assistant or
somebody to check pricing or other everyday task, I use
If it is a one time deal like creating a cover picture
or presentations etc, I use All of these are
helpful in giving me more time to hang out or do things
for my business that I personally need to do because Time is
the ultimate treasure.

Please share if you found this helpful!

To your future!

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Power of Pictures on Tumblr and Pinterest

You can get a lot of traffic to your website by changing your click through links in social media! That way when people click on your pictures, they go to whatever link you embed in the picture.  It's an insanely simple way to boost your rankings on search engines as well.  The more links out there pointing to your website or blog, the more organic traffic you get! To make it even more incredible, people can share your pictures on these platforms as well so if people really like your photos they can spread like wildfire.  Hope you enjoy the video!

To your success!

Michael Faller

Read my blog on the Science of Persuasion