Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Secret To Getting To The Next Level

No... There really isn't a secret to getting to the next level.

All you have to do is do the things that are really simple to do

but really easy not to do too.

The major thing holding back your success is not doing the simple

daily tasks that over time compound into change.  If you go and work

out at the gym everyday, your chances of gaining any fat are slim to

none. But if you miss a day or twice and be inconsistent, your fat can

creep right back up to you.

Think of it like lily pads in a pond, the first few days you might not even

realize them, but as time goes on they start to take over your pond.  A few

months later your pond will be covered in lily pads.  By growing and multiplying

a little each day, the lily pads get more populated.  The same will have to the

goals and outcomes to want to reach.

So I urge you to go and do the daily tasks that you think won't matter if you

skip a day or two because it can make the biggest difference in the world.  You

climb the tallest mountain in the world with one step at a time. You have to fight

your excuses and just do it.  Remember, it's just doing the simple things that are easy

not to do that hold you back.

To your success

Michael Faller

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