Friday, January 16, 2015

One Man Didn't Do IRA And Made More Money

Could you imagine having more money right now
than you actually do.  That's right!  IRA's are
terrible for your pocket.  If you don't do any
IRA's you could easily double your money.  Let
me explain...

IRAs are Income Reducing Activities.  Anything
that takes away from your earning money.  So
many people are brainwashed into watching TV,
playing video games, etc when they are taking
money out of their wallets and hurting themselves.

Click here to learn to make $100 a day on Ebay

If someone gave you a choice, (a choice that you
have regardless) to either sit down and watch
Full House or make money. I'm pretty sure in
the back of your mind you much rather make
money than not!  Life is full of choices and
how you spend your time can make a huge
financial and mental impact.

One thing I'm grateful for is growing up we didn't
have a TV.  To this day, I still do not have a TV.
My father always said why don't you read something
educational.  I always liked going to my friends to
watch TV when I was young but now I see why he
said that.  I am always reading personal development
and business books to invest in my mind.  Success is
80%  mental!  The older I get, the more I realize I'm
just like my dad.

Have a great day!

Michael Faller

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